July in 1999. Started from club Vivian at Nishi-Azabu.



At first there was only a vision

A vision of women dancing with the darkness

Dancing to the pulsations of boundless ambient music.

A vision of decadence and of danger

A new vision...not like before

A vision of Neo-Fantasia



It had never occurred to me that my idea would end up becoming a club event. I just had a vision and I wanted to see that vision realized. That's all I wanted.

I talked about it to anyone who would listen. It got to the point that it had become an obsession of mine but I didn't give up.

Then fortunately I had the chance to meet with Mr. K.

Mr. K was a photographer and a professional business man in the area. He was interested in my idea and encouraged me to come in and meet with him. He listened to me more than anyone else. I spoke and he listened.

Then he spoke. It was he who suggested that I try to imagine my "vision" as a club event. He was already organizing a party at a club in Roppongi and he suggested I consider using it. At the time, I didn't go to clubs much but the club world is not so distant from the world I inhabited at that time.

So I made the decision to work together with him to realize my vision.

I organized some models and gathered as many bondage costumes and as much fetish paraphernalia as I could find for the models and performers to use during the evenings events. Mr.K had called in some professional artists for the models to do hair and make up.

Photographers set up a shoot in the corner of the club with a white coffin shaped photo booth. Many in attendance were photographed during the course of the evening. You may feel free to check our "Gallery" page.



For no real reason...I had an urge to do something at the end of the last century.

You see, in the past, it had not been necessary for me to be a main character, to be "the" one to create something from nothing. I am comfortable as a bystander...if somebody does it right and everything is entertaining...I am fine with that...but if not, maybe I should.

Gradually this became the challenge I set for myself in 1999. It's image roll over and over in my mind while never changing in form. Over and over until it became clearer and clearer to me.

As the end of century approached and there seemed to be no indication that anything was going to happen. I thought to myself, "If no one was going to do this, then I would do it!"

So I took action...

One of the wonderful parts of my life is that I have been blessed to meet some very talented people. It seems that working with others comes quite easily to me. When I work together with others I feel their passion and mine combine and grow together. It's that exchange of energy that I love

On the night of the event there were many challenges but with everyone's help everything turned out wonderfully.

It was ambience, music, beautiful models, fetish, performance, art, and a most of all a beautiful display of decadence. It was a wonderful experience shared by all those who attended and participated.

So, in the end, I had organized a party. That party was not a success because of me but because of all those who gathered to help me with my vision. I am truly grateful for all their effort, participation, and support. Without each and every one of their energies this would not have as much of a success and been as fulfilling as it was for me.

I would like to offer.

Special thanks to Mr. K. for all his support and for everything he did from the very beginning.

Thank you...

Mr.Tajima of Disko-King.

Mr. Omori who helped to make first my website and advise throughout this process.

Mistress Marico.


To all the talented artists who might not have been mentioned and to all the people who were interested enough to come to my party...let me say thank you so very very much!


Organizer of FANTASIA that underground culture event
Active at clubbing scene as model, performer,dominatrix in TOKYO-LONDON from the end of 20 century to the head of 21 century.